Sails on the Loire

From their distant ancestors the Drakkars, our boats have kept the great square sail, the proud look and the ardor to go up the rivers … but no more question of plunder and robbery! Our spoils: the light of the Loire, the observation of its fauna, the charm of its islands … Come and take your share! A little upstream of Tours, along the hillsides of Rochecorbon and Vouvray, our association offers you all year long river walks, sessions of training in navigation Ligerian, bivouacs … When the winds are favorable, we send the sail if we use the engine, rowing or blunder. In all circumstances, we plan a part of the circuit in soft mobility (without engine) to better taste the rhythm of the river.

Summer info

The level of the Loire is low but our boats circulate and our outings are always so beautiful.

Our prices

1h30 Boat day walk*

Adult: 20 €
Children*: 12 €

Boat walk at dawn or dusk of 2h30*

Adult: 36 €
Children*: 16 €

* Provide appro­pri­ate cloth­ing and equip­ment for the pro­ject (eg addi­tional pair of bin­ocu­lars) – Child rate up to 12 years.

Provision of a boat with pilot

120 € / hour
  • Boat walk of 2 hours minimum
  • 30% sur­charge before 9am and after 7pm

The asso­ci­ation offers many ancil­lary ser­vices: even­ings on the islands, pic­nics, fish­ing parties and animal carts, biv­ou­acs, multi-day treks, cater­ing, set­ting up adap­ted shel­ters, cul­tural or sci­entific ser­vices … Price on request.

Summer boat rides

Pic­nic on an island, look for beaver tracks, watch the birds, watch the set­ting sun…

Being in Touraine, near an agglom­er­a­tion and feel­ing at the end of the world, such are the pleas­ures that Loire gives us! We can let ourselves drift with the cur­rent or hoist the sails and go up the river…

We can also priv­ilege a them­atic (lit­er­at­ure, music) and make it the thread of our walk.

Sundays of the Rabouilleuse

From April to Octo­ber, the first Sunday of each month, at 19h, we wel­come on board a spe­cial­ist of a nat­ur­al­istic or her­it­age dis­cip­line and we share some of his know­ledge in the fields ento­mo­lo­gical, orni­tho­lo­gical, lit­er­ary, astro­nom­ical, oen­o­lo­gical etc. . The access to these anim­a­tions is lim­ited by the capa­cit­ies of our boats * but it is open to all (adults and teen­agers) on reser­va­tion. The cal­en­dar appears in « La Bourde » our news­let­ter and in the doc­u­ments of the County Council of Indre & Loire. This anim­a­tion is part of an envir­on­mental enhance­ment pro­gram for the « Métairie » island, a sens­it­ive nat­ural area ini­ti­ated by the County Council.
*24 people spread over two boats sail­ing « in pairs ».

The bivouacs

Go for sev­eral days on rafts, boats and canoes, biv­ouac on islands, live immersed in a pre­served envir­on­ment … A sin­gu­lar exper­i­ence that offers us the Loire. In the part on which we evolve, the river is a pub­lic space and it is not sub­ject to the rules of nav­ig­a­tion. How­ever, it remains fra­gile and belongs to the World Her­it­age of Human­ity (UNESCO), that is to say whether to be del­ic­ate and respect­ful in its approach. The boat­men who accom­pany you are envir­on­mental edu­cat­ors, they will know how to make you « taste » the thou­sand resources of the river while lim­it­ing the weight of your eco­lo­gical foot­print. This exper­i­ence is open to indi­vidu­als and groups (school, hol­i­day cen­ter, associations …).

Join us

Com­ing from Tours, go along the Loire by its north bank on the Quai Mar­mou­tier, pass the round­about Jean Le Rest, con­tinue along the Loire on the D952 for 800 m, at a place called Saint Georges, take a drive­way to right and imme­di­ately the park­ing on the left. Con­tinue on foot (30 m) towards the Loire. If you come from Vouv­ray, cross Rochecor­bon, pass Lulu Park and con­tinue to the round­about Jean le Rest and turn around. Do not hes­it­ate to come by bike: we are 4 km from the cen­ter of Tours

Contact us

You can contact Clément Sirgue, environmental educator and boatman from Loire to

Write us

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